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Comparing Crowdin and Wordfast Pro 5

Which software is better? Here is a rundown of features and reviews to help you make your decision.

Name Crowdin Wordfast Pro 5
Review breakdown
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(8 reviews)
Most helpful review
Huge time saver
Wordfast Pro 5 is a standalone CAT tool that is compatible in my experience with Word, Powerpoint, InDesign and most other office software programs. I work on a mac system and it is perfectly compatible. I also need to use Trados for one client, but consistently use Wordfast Pro 5 for all others because of how easy and practical it is. Highly recommended! And a training session to get you started is also highly recommended, to get the most out of it.
5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

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Product description
Crowdin is a cloud-based localization software for translators and companies.
Localize software, websites, games, help documentation, designs, and all your client will request with our 200+ integrations and supported 60+ file formats.

    Improve your workflow, translation quality and consistency:

  • Create or upload your existing Glossaries and Translation Memory.
  • Setup QA checks to avoid some common mistakes.
  • Preview source files right in Crowdin.
  • Cooperate with other translators and proofreaders in a project with live translation updates and leave comments.
  • No need to download or install anything. Use Crowdin online editor to work from any device with an easy-to-use interface.
Wordfast Pro is the latest version of the standalone, multi-platform TM tool designed to address the needs of translators, language service providers and multinational corporations.
Price Free for translators; paid plans start from $40 $460
File formats Supported 60+ file formats. Virtually any file format, including MS Office, Adobe InDesign, FrameMaker, PDF, HTML, XML, SDL Trados Xliff, MemoQ Xliff, and more
License type Software as a service (subscription) 3-year license
Operating system Android, Apple iOS, Windows, MacOS, Linux, Other Windows, MacOS, Linux
System requirements Any that supports a modern browser. Minimum: Intel or AMD CPU-based computer manufactured after 2013, 4 GB of System Memory, and Screen Resolution of 1366 x 768
Compatibility Cloud-based, compatible with all devices. *Install dependencies to run Wordfast on Linux OS typically ‘sudo apt install libconf2-4’ or ‘sudo apt-get install –f’ or ‘yum install libX*’"
Support and upgrades offered/included Free technical support via support ticket center Free upgrades for duration of license/Subscription
Support and tutorial links https://support.crowdin.com/ Online support center
Free trial https://crowdin.com Yes, 30 days of fully-functional trial available. Unlimited use of a demo version.
Languages supported
No data
All languages.

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